There are many reasons why more than 30-40% of Europeans and Americans hires developers from India. The same is true for Indian Laravel developers.
Below are the reasons why companies hiring Laravel developer from India.
1) Cost-effectiveness:
Various onshore Laravel companies charges more than the developers in India. So, the main and the most important reason why companies like to outsource in India is the cost factor. Indian developers are cheaper, yet offers the quality in development.
2) Easily Access to the Skilled & Experienced Laravel Developer:
There are numerous expert agencies like Laravel Lions who has pool of certified and experience developers. These agencies spent on trainings to develop the skills of their developers. That is how Indian Laravel developers stays updated with Laravel Industry.
3) By pass Hiring, Firing, HR Operations:
When you hire a developer inhouse, then you have to follow hierarchy and other operations. But, when you outsource them from India, you can hire one immediately and fire existing as the replacement is always just a call away.
4) Communication is the key:
Indian Laravel developers are well communicators. They are pro in using Skype, Email, Phone, Gtalk, BaseCamp or really any communication style you want.
5) Creativity, Business Focused Approach & Many more:
Indian Laravel developers think from business prospective while writing the codes. They write codes creatively.
Apart from above listed there are numerous benefits you can avail by hiring Indian Laravel developers. With Laravel Lions, you can hire developers for as low as 25 hours without doing any kind of long contract. So, hire Indian Laravel developer for your next Laravel development need.